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Student Services

Access student services to help you succeed both inside and outside the classroom

Close up of student holding a smartphone with the Chemeketa website displayed on the screen

Chemeketa provides a range of student services accessible to all students.

Academic Calendar

View the Academic Calendar for important dates. Learn more about academic dates for the school year, including school closure days and final exams schedule.

For more information visit the Academic Calendar on the college website.


Purchase textbooks and course materials from the college Bookstore. Chemeketa’s college-owned bookstore offers comparison pricing for textbooks and more. Shop and compare prices along with other online vendors from the Bookstore website. The bookstore is open for online orders well in advance before the next term begins.

For more information visit the college Bookstore website.

Counseling Services

Meet with a counselor for support. Chemeketa's Counseling Services can assist students through academic, career and life transitions, as well as to empower individuals through knowledge and career preparation and personal effectiveness. These services are available to currently enrolled students. Counseling sessions are available via phone or video conference.

For more information visit Counseling Services on the college website.

Enrollment Services

Connect with Enrollment Services to request transcripts and other services. Transcripts can be ordered online. Contact Enrollment Services to keep your academic records up to date. Enrollment Services can help you update your contact information, request a preferred first name, apply for graduation, and order replacement diplomas.

For more information visit Enrollment Services on the college website.

Financial Aid

Get Help Paying For College. Many types of financial assistance may be available to Chemeketa students including scholarships and federal financial aid. Depending on what you qualify for, there are several types of financial aid available to help pay for college.

For more information visit Cost & Aid on the college website.

Laptop Requests

Request a college laptop from the Library. Students can check out laptops from Salem Campus, Yamhill Valley Campus, Polk Center and the Woodburn Center. Laptops are distributed on a first come, first serve basis. There is a limit of 1 laptop per person.  Devices are reserved for current Chemeketa students. Each device is wi-fi capable, but you must have internet access at home for it to connect to. There are no fees to check out a laptop as long the item is returned on time and without damage.

For more information visit the College Library website.

Student Accessibility Services

Request accommodations through Student Accessibility Services. If you are a student experiencing a barrier due to a disability, contact Student Accessibility Services. They can help review your accommodation requests in support of your educational goals. Connect with a Resources Navigator if you don't know where to start or you are not finding what you are looking for.

For more information visit Student Accessibility Services on the college website.

Student Resources

Get help finding essential resources. Chemeketa can connect students with resources designed to help meet basic needs including food and housing, financial assistance, transportation, childcare, and more.

For more information visit Student Resources on the college website.